
Thanks to all my coach clients for your testimonials - it has been a pleasure working with you.

ICF Credentialling

"Marianne has worked alongside me as both my mentor (ICF credentials) and my supervisor. I feel safe knowing I can deeply trust her to work with whatever I bring to the coaching ( supervision)  without judgement and with deep compassion. Marianne has that rare gift of humility. She is quietly confident, knows her strengths and imparts her wisdom with a gentle touch. It is a relationship of peers and she guides the coaching (supervision) conversation as you walk side by side at a reflective pace.

I value how she champions and celebrates my successes. Her belief in me has allowed me to grow in confidence. I feel motivated to continue in my efforts to be the best I can as a coach and a human being."

Una Murphy, Career and Executive Coach

Reflect on my achievements

“You have provided me with a focused space to explore my new business, reflect on my achievements and to think about new strategies for ways of doing things. And you have given me positive reinforcement of my goals, achievements and that I am really doing well.

I feel differently, when I know I have a challenge ahead; I know I can talk it through with my coach. I feel like you are part of my personal backing group (like Gladys Knight has her "Pips").

I have had feedback from people that I am looking and sounding more confident about what I am doing. I appreciate the fact that you are absolutely there for me 100% and you sound so sincere when you are listening, you give great opportunities/suggestions and they always feel like possibilities.

I value your warm, empathetic approach and you are so professional. I was looking for boundaries and clarity; that is exactly what you provide me with!"

Fiona Setch, Executive Coach, UK

Highly experienced coach who is a pleasure to work with

"Marianne is a professional, warm, considerate and highly experienced coach who is a pleasure to work with. Within only a few months of working with her, I had shifted to a 4-day working week, commenced a coaching course and introduced a raft of other changes into my life.  I recommend her to any aspiring coach who wants to receive the personal benefits of coaching whilst simultaneously developing their own skills and practice."

EP, Personal Coach UK

Happy Coach

"Marianne, Thank you for being such a wonderful mentor and supervisor.  Since having sessions with you I've become a much more confident, effective, creative and happy coach. You are so easy to talk to and I always look forward to our sessions.

You're my role model  and I really appreciate all your inspiration, kindness, support, guidance and wisdom.

I'm sure every coach would hugely benefit being mentored by you."

Annette Bento, Career and Life Coach

Lifted me above and beyond what I thought I was capable of

"It’s been a pleasure and a privilege working alongside Marianne as my Mentor Coach. Her compassion, vision, skill and humour have lifted me above and beyond what I thought I was capable of.  She has empowered me and given me permission to be the coach I now know I can be.  I will always value the time spent working with her and can recommend her to any fellow coach – if you are looking for a Mentor Coach with insight, individuality and a great sense of humour, Marianne’s your woman!"

SM, Personal Coach

Extraordinarily encouraging

"Marianne has a gentle way of relating that is extraordinarily encouraging and it is only upon reflection that you realise how incisive her questions have been and how far you have travelled towards your goals. Now that for me is great coaching".

JA, Voice and Communication Coach

Supportive ally

“Thanks again for a great session and for great coaching for - what is it now - 6 months? I feel I have made such a lot of progress and change in that time and, what's most important, I've made it feeling strong and confident (for the most part) and well supported. I feel I've had a lot of success too. It has been great to be able to think aloud with an intelligent, supportive ally to help me clarify what I want and how to get it. I value your directness in communication and your pragmatism, together with your willingness to share your knowledge and experience on coaching, with me.”

KN, Life Coach, UK

More confident

“For me, coaching was a chance to explore ideas, listen to myself talk things though, get clarity, and confirm my skills and experience. I’m now feeling more confident, mind less if I feel I’ve failed, am setting my sights higher, more aware my skills are valuable, less anxious (quite a lot less anxious).
You’ve got a great capacity for asking the really simple devastating (in the sense of on the nail) question. Your talents are a genuine interest and empathy for clients, integrity, sense of humour, affirming, accepting but challenging.”

JR, Personal and Corporate Coach, UK

My goals and visions

“I valued knowing there was someone on the other side of the phone who just listened and was supporting me in my goals and visions I aspired to. To know you believed I could achieve made a big difference. Even when I doubted myself you didn’t.”

DZ Personal and Development Coach, UK

Increasing my revenue

“Marianne Craig has coaching me on the following:

  • Growing my coaching practice by around 50% so that it is now full.
  • Switching from 90% face-to-face to 90% telephone coaching.
  • Choosing and completing a coach-training programme.
  • Increasing my revenues from coaching thanks to increasing confidence and higher demand for my services.
  • Becoming comfortable with speaking publicly about my work as a coach.
  • Clarifying the clients I prefer to work with.
  • Moving to a new town. Settling in here and making new friends.
  • In general, feeling greatly more confident, congruent and positive about my future and myself.

Marianne’s coaching style is excellent. She has great intelligence, listening skills and intuition She holds my agenda in a subtle and helpful way and sets interesting and relevant challenges and enquiries as homework. She has a light touch, using humour and her natural warmth to encourage and inspire. In fact, she has been a wonderful model to me of all the key coaching skills. I have recommended her and referred clients to her without hesitation.”

KE, Life and Career Coach, UK

New standpoints

"You are a very good listener, I have confidence in you.  You emanate honesty.  It's evident you are there for me.   You have made me take new standpoints I would not have if you hadn't been there every week."

JA, Business Trainer and Life and Professional Coach, Sweden

Increased my self belief

“Marianne is an excellent, warm and professional coach who has supported both myself and my practice by instilling me with increased self belief and confidence and increasing my clarity about what I offer and how I deliver it. I am very grateful to her for her consistent and helpful insights. I was lucky to be referred to her by another excellent coach.”

JT, Life Coach, UK

Career change

“I contacted Marianne because I wanted to become a coach myself and thought I should experience the process. As it turned out her questioning and support enabled me to make career change some six months before I had intended and I am now running my own coaching and consultancy practice. I find Marianne very supportive and even though I naturally work towards goals she has helped me uncover new depths and enhanced focus.”

AP, Coach and Consultant, UK

Live the life I want

“Marianne is a great listener and gives very valuable and honest feedback. Her style is warm, light and very supportive. The work with Marianne made me realize, that I have choices in life and most importantly, that I have the strength to create and ultimately live the life I truly want.”

BF, Personal and Business Coach, UK

Get into action

“Marianne helped me to move forward quite considerably by pushing me to get into action. This coupled with her ability to motivate throughout our conversations made my working with her both rewarding and fruitful.”

GR, Business, Life and Career Coach, UK

Words of wisdom

“You are someone whom I admire enormously and whose words of wisdom I always cherish. You have kept me on track, kept me focused, kept me accountable. I had no clients when I started with you and nine by the time our coaching ended. Over a period of six months you gently guided and supported me as I struggled through a very difficult period in my life and gave me the tools that I needed to have. This resulted in making me feel more confident about my coaching business and about my life in general. My coaching practice has really taken off!”

AC, Relationship and Career Coach, UK

Challenge and support

“Marianne helps you to focus on what is really important to you. She will encourage and challenge you to reach greater heights, supporting you all the way. I really enjoy and benefited from our sessions. The time always went too quickly!”

MM, Life Coach, UK

Follow my heart

"I value the implicit permission you give, through your demeanour to follow my heart, to discover my pathway and to be able to support me in practical matters as well as deeper spiritual ways to find the way through. The total flexibility to allow me to work in my way, in my time has been fantastic. The space you created for me was perfect and I was able to be myself. I felt supported and valued, nurtured and the value added by the sources of information, which you provided, has created further insights between calls.

The seagulls are fab in the background! Thank you for helping me ruffle my feathers, let go of the old ones that don’t work and supporting me to preen and oil fresh new ones. I’m flying! …. I have the indisputable sense that Marianne Craig is the change that she wants to support in her clients. She lives what she encourages in others, a most attractive quality. She does this in ways that support the uniqueness of the individual and their aspirations and needs.”

WT, Professional Coach, UK

Think big

“Working with you enabled me to focus on my goals and identify the actions needed to achieve them, gave me the momentum and incentive to carry through the actions instead of just thinking about them! Working with you increased my confidence. I got things done! Specifically I completed my accreditation programme, I got part-time work, I designed my website and I identified my key market sectors. You didn’t let me of the hook! You challenged me to actually get on and achieve. I can be over-optimistic and not look for potential pitfalls – you got me to consider other potential outcomes without bringing me down in the process.

You encouraged me to ‘think big’ which is now a firm affirmation about most aspects of my life – except my waistline! The way you combined challenge and support has given me a role model to aspire to with my own coaching clients. Several people have coached me and I found you to be the most effective – I think this was probably partly down to experience (most of the other coaches have been trainees or recently qualified like myself)but also your personal style was just right for me."

BM, Personal Development Coach

Accomplished so much

"I'm excited about 2006, and have attached my vision for your interest. I learnt so much from my coaching with you Marianne, and looking back during our sessions I did accomplish so much - leaving my old life, i.e. leaving the day job, and truly starting my new life - before I spoke to you I didn't really believe it would ever happen.

I think the key thing I gained from my coaching with you, was developing a much stronger self belief, believing I am a coach (rather than I'd like to be a coach); gaining more confidence in my corporate coaching and a true break through was being at peace with myself.  What I also noticed, was an inherent genuine belief you had about me in being a coach. Thank you for your support and your invaluable coaching."

JB, Corporate and Personal Coach

Develop as a coach

"During just the three session we had, I really felt supported, and that you really did want me to see me develop as a coach."

KM, Co-Active Coach

Healthy and safe coaching relationship

“Marianne has a wonderful warmth and generosity about her. She created a healthy and safe coaching relationship where I was able to engage with myself and let go gently of what no longer served me.  She is endlessly creative, believing, patient and fun.  I have found my wings through my work with her. “

M.R. Executive Coach